
Monday, August 31, 2020

Freeze Your Fat Cells Away With Freeze2Trim


Imagine a quick, nonsurgical, virtually painless process of reducing stubborn areas of fat with almost no effort, in the comfort of your home. Sounds too good to be true?

Introducing cryolipolysis, commonly referred to as fat freezing. This process consists of eliminating excess fat by freezing it. Studies have shown that by exposing fat cells to specific, cold temperatures, a process known as “fat cell death” occurs. Then, the dead cells are expelled by the body naturally. This results in a visible fat loss.

But, how is this possible?

Meet Freeze2Trim, the ultimate Fat Freezing System. This is a great option for people struggling with body fat that is tricky to shift. What is also great about this system is its reasonable price, between $100 and $200.

In the next few paragraphs, we will explain everything you should know about cryolipolysis and the Freeze2Trim fat freezing system.

 How did Cryolipolysis emerge?

Scientist came up with the idea of freezing fat cells when they noticed children developing dimples after eating frozen popsicles.

The first cryolipolysis machine was introduced in 2007. Now, it is now used for body contouring and is an alternative to liposuction and surgical fat resection (commonly known as “tummy tuck”).

What do studies say?

A number of research studies, conducted 40 years ago, discovered that fat cells are susceptible to cold temperatures. When fat cells get exposed to the right amount of cold for the right amount of time, these would literally freeze and die. Then, the frozen, dead fat cells are excreted out of the body through the liver.

What is Freeze2Trim?

The above mentioned studies have served for the development of the noninvasive fat freezing system, Freeze2Trim.

The Freeze2Trim developers have spent the last several years developing, testing and improving the dual targeting technology to deliver perfect controlled cooling to freeze and eliminate fat.

How Does Freeze2Trim Works?

The Freeze2Trim kit includes proprietary dual targeting technology. This technology targets both inner and outer fat layers. It is designed to keep the fat layers at their optimal fat freezing temperature giving you the best results in the shortest amount of time.

The Freeze2Trim system works best in combination with diet and exercise. This improves circulation and health. Incorporating it with your existing diet plan will help accelerate results.

The results are individual and are visible within one to three months.

Monday, July 27, 2020

How CoolSculpting Works?

No matter what you do, stubborn fat still haunts your waist. You have tried to diet, you have tried exercise, but nothing seems to help. Liposuction is an option, but some women and men do not want to have surgery.This is where Freeze2Trim comes in.

Freeze2Trim is a FDA-cleared weight loss method that sculpts your body by destroying fat cells. Using a breakthrough known as Fat Freezing, also called "cryolipolysis" or "cool sculpting", Freeze2Trim™ removes unwanted body fat by freezing the fat cells away.

CoolSculpting is one of our most popular alternatives to liposuction. The innovative fat freezing technology makes it one of the most effective and state-of-the-art fat reduction options available. This quick and painless procedure can help you get the look you want, without surgery and without downtime.

What is CoolSculpting?
CoolSculpting is a leading non-surgical fat reduction treatment. Your body will be molded from freezing unwanted fat. It allows you to continue your normal activities after treatment. With more than 7 million CoolSculpting treatment cycles worldwide, thousands of people everywhere are experiencing the results.

How does it work?
The CoolSculpting system provides precisely controlled cooling to identify subcutaneous fat cells. The treated fat cells crystallize (freeze), destroy themselves, and then over time, the body processes the fat naturally and kills these dead cells. The finishing result is a leaner and more aesthetic body.

Fat removal after CoolSculpting procedure
Fat cells that freeze during the CoolSculpting procedure are gradually destroyed and leave the body through the natural process of elimination. Untreated areas will have no change in fat cell distribution.

Fat cells after normal weight loss
After dieting and losing weight, the fat cells become smaller, but the number of fat cells remains the same. Losing weight does not make fat cells disappear. Losing or gaining weight generally does not increase or decrease the number of cells, but changes the size of fat cells. When you gain weight, fat cells increase in size.

If you would like to learn more about CoolSculpting or are ready to discuss the benefits of Freeze2Trim, request more information online or by calling our office.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Cryolipolysis: A Non-Invasive Technique for Fat Reduction


Cryolipolysis is an advanced technique that removes localized fat and destroys adipose tissue without the need for surgery. It offers results similar to liposuction. The technique is based on a decrease in the temperature of the localized fat below 0ÂșC for approximately 45 minutes. In this way, localized fat cells, called adipocytes, are destroyed by crystallization and are subsequently and gradualy eliminated by the body over a period of between two and twelve weeks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Freeze2Trim: A Fat Freezing System That Can Be Used At Home

Can you get ripped abs at home with fat freezing? Maybe.

Fat freezing at home is a great way of reaping the benefits of fat freezing at a fraction of the cost. This process reduces fat thickness from targeted parts of the body. Fat cells inflame and eventually die, when exposed to the cold.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Freeze2Trim- An Innovative, New System

The number of fat cells is set during childhood and adolescence and varies little during adulthood. When you start to gain weight, those fat cells expand, which in turn causes your waistline (and hips, and double chin, and thighs) to expand. When you eat healthy and exercise regularly, those fat cells shrink to give a slimmer and trimmer shape. If you stop those healthy habits, they will expand again, adding unwanted bulges. Some individuals may have stubborn pockets of fat that are more difficult to reduce despite diet and exercise.

Sometimes, diet and exercise aren’t enough to get rid of stubborn pockets of fat. Whether it’s a jumpstart to a new, healthy lifestyle or the finishing touch on your weight loss goals, cryolipolysis is a non-invasive, innovative solution to get you the contours you want. Freeze2Trim offers this effective solution to those looking to slim down to a fit, sculpted profile.

Cryolipolysis is an innovative, new technique that kills fat cells by freezing them with a safe and effective applicator that is applied to the area of concern. Once the fat cells are frozen and killed, the body safely excretes them as waste and they can no longer be stored or expand with weight gain, meaning the results are long-lasting. It is a low pain, safe, and easy treatment, leaving the skin unaffected. In fact, the Freeze2Trim system contains sensors that detect whether the skin becomes too cold during the treatment and immediately halts the freezing.

Since it is non-invasive, there’s no downtime required, and you can even get right back to your normal activities. There may be some redness, irritation, or numbness in the treatment area, but it usually resolves quickly. The best results from your Freeze2Trim treatment plan will begin to be visible within two to four months, and are best paired with a healthy, active lifestyle to ensure you get the best out of your treatment.

People are getting results from Freeze2Trim. They like its versatility. Specific parts of the body can be targeted. Results look natural and it’s extremely easy to use the system. It’s also private and can be used in the comfort of your own home. There are no drugs, surgery, or doctor visits. Body shaping can be long-lasting. Many people find success with Freeze2Trim when other options have failed.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Get Rid of Your Fat with Freeze2Trim

Localized fat cells and cellulite are a natural way for the body to store excess fat. This excess fat, besides not being aesthetically acceptable, points to unhealthy lifestyle that encourages its development.

We all have a certain amount of fat cells. When we gain weight, the volume of fat cells increases but not their number. Some individuals may have stubborn fat deposits on certain parts of the body, which, despite diet and exercise, are harder to reduce.

Even when you switch to a healthy lifestyle that involves eating and exercising properly, it is possible that there will still be fat deposits in certain areas that you can’t manage to get rid of. These areas are most commonly the abdomen, thighs, knees, upper arms and back. So, how to get rid of them?
Fat freezing or cryolipolysis is a non-surgical slimming program that is very popular in the US among both women and men. The treatments are usually done on the thighs and abdomen, and can remove up to a quarter of the accumulated adipose tissue in the targeted areas. In cases of moderate fat accumulation, the effects are up to three inches of fat, but it all depends on the overall condition of the organism. One way to gain the benefits of fat freezing is to use the Freeze2Trim System

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Freeze2Trim - A Real Breakthrough When It Comes to Targeting Fat Loss

Despite efforts in diet and exercise, some fat can be really hard, if not impossible to eliminate. Until now, the main option for these problem areas has been painful, often the risky procedure of liposuction. Don’t put yourself through that. Just get Freeze2Trim, a revolutionary device that utilizes advanced technologies to freeze away fat from the belly, back, waist, arms, inner thighs, and buttocks, giving your body a natural-looking & sculpted shape as you’ve always wanted. The best part is that it’s all possible without surgery, expensive procedures, insane workout routines or drastic diets.

Though for some people the Freeze2Trim fat freezing system seems like a myth, it is actually effective and you can reap many benefits of it with the proper use. Of course, don’t underestimate the power of a good diet and regular exercise. By combining the Freeze2Trim wrap belt, healthy diet, and a good workout regime you are sure to look and feel better than ever in just a matter of a few months!

However, diet only shrinks fat. The Freeze2Trim fat freezing system utilizes one of the world’s newest ways to burn calories and safely shed unwanted fat. This device helps freeze fat away at the comfort of your own home. In addition to that, Freeze2Trim is super easy to use. All you have to do is freeze the gel packs, insert into the pockets, and wrap around the problem area. The packs are filled with a special gel that is sustainable at lower temperatures and will be the main element in your fight against fat cells. The fat is cooled to a point at which the fat cells dissolve. The cold exposure spikes your metabolism and burns additional calories, resulting in overall fat loss.

The whole process is so easy and simple that it would be a shame not to try it. Freeze2Trim offers one of the best, do it yourself home products out there. It is definitely a good alternative to liposuction or pricey fat-freezing options that are offered at a cosmetic surgeon’s office. You will appreciate the fact that you don’t have to stay in bed recovering while you miss work or time with your family.